Join us for our 2024-2025 Game Challege:
Sponsor Our Team

We are Oxford High School’s FIRST Robotics Competition team. Through all our endeavors we work to inspire students to pursue STEM activities for ourselves and all students in Oxford and beyond.

Our t-shirt launching robot is a big hit at our home football games. Every t-shirt we launch also thanks our sponsor for providing the t-shirts. We would love to feature your business at our home games this season. 

If you are interested in helping us, please fill out our sponsor interest form.

Join Our Team!

We are kicking off our next season of competition with activities planned throughout the fall. New Students (and Parents) are welcome to come to any of our regular meetings.

We meet weekly through December:
Tuesdays, 6:30-9pm
@OHS Rm 121 (enter by the football field)

When you are ready to join, go to our community site to register. *Registration is open to any member of our community including friends of the team.

For more information email: